Project realized in partnership with CPECA Timis Timis County Council and with support and Timisoara City Hall.
In the months January-February 2009, volunteers of Student Plus and CPECA were trained by Ms. Ileana Maruta, CPECA psychologist, in the field of risk and prevention of drug use, to conduct the anti-drug campaign in schools and high schools, and promote the competition “Mesajul mei antidrog” (My Anti-Drug Message). The campaign took place in March-April-May and included a total of 10 schools and 20 schools in the city of Timisoara and Timis County.
The gimnasium students worked either individually or in teams, presenting works for the following sections: film, short films, digital photography, spot, visual arts (poster, painting), literary essays, music, web pages and environmental projects. The participant institutions: High School of Post and Telecommunication of Timisoara, School of Food Industry Group, Timisoara Technical College, New Peciu High School, Technical College of West Timisoara, Dudestii High School Old School Gen. Dumbravita, School Gen. 19 Avram Iancu Timisoara, School Gen. 25 Timisoara, College of Nat. C. Brediceanu Lugoj.
49 students were awarded for their contribution to the success of the campaign.
Congratulations to all!