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Fundația STUDENT PLUS Timișoara prin Centrul Europe Direct, Centrul de Voluntariat și YMCA dorește să fie alături de nevoile persoanelor în dificultate în perioada COVID-19 prin două inițiative: 1. CUMPĂRĂTURI pentru persoane cu nevoi special – Recrutare voluntari pentru perioada pandemiei;...
MoreLansarea Cartei Albe privind Implicarea Civică a Tinerilor Proiectul de dialog structurat „Europarlamentar pentru o zi | Structuri de sprijin pentru implicarea tinerilor în procesul legislativ” a ajuns la final, însă dialogul continuă. Propunerile tinerilor sunt reunite în Carta Albă pe care...
MoreMULTI-CULTI LIFE SKILLS LAB project was developed for young people with fewer opportunities that are facing difficult psycho-social situations, poverty, social exclusion, special needs and unemployment. Our aim was to work on the competences that will help young people in the process of inclusion into...
MoreMULTI-CULTI LIFE SKILLS LAB project was developed for young people with fewer opportunities that are facing difficult psycho-social situations, poverty, social exclusion, special needs and unemployment. Our aim was to work on the competences that will help young people in the process of inclusion into...
MoreMAI+ will promote a shared and intercultural reflection on what happened to people with mental illness during totalitarianisms in EU, addressing European citizens that nowadays witness other forms of denial of human rights or risk to repeat the same loss of humanitas experienced in the past. MAI+ in...