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MULTI-CULTI LIFE SKILLS LAB project was developed for young people with fewer opportunities that are facing difficult psycho-social situations, poverty, social exclusion, special needs and unemployment. Our aim was to work on the competences that will help young people in the process of inclusion into...
MoreMULTI-CULTI LIFE SKILLS LAB project was developed for young people with fewer opportunities that are facing difficult psycho-social situations, poverty, social exclusion, special needs and unemployment. Our aim was to work on the competences that will help young people in the process of inclusion into...
MoreDescrierea proiectului Documentul este disponibil aici: DESCRIEREA PROIECTULUI ”Europarlamentar pentru o zi” Context In contextul unui deficit democratic la nivelul intregii Uniuni Europene si al pericolului reprezentat miscarile extremiste si euro-sceptice, problema educarii tinerilor in spiritul...
MoreProject description The document is available here: PROJECT DESCRIPTION ”MEP for 1 Day” (RO) Context In the context of a democratic deficit across the European Union and the danger represented by extremist and Euro-skeptic movements, the issue of educating young people in the spirit of participatory...
MoreProiectul CHOOSE YOUR WAY, CHOOSE YOUR FUTURE a fost dezvoltat pentru tineri cu oportunități reduse, care se confruntă cu situații dificile psihosociale, sărăcia, excluziunea socială, nevoi speciale și șomajului. Scopul nostru a fost de a lucra asupra competențelor care vor ajuta tinerii în...